Thursday, November 5, 2009

Late on the first day of school!

It´s always been my nightmare, but I never thought I could be late for on-line school!

There´s always some excuse - getting lost on campus, underestimating public transport times.... ...mine was that my email address was spelled wrong... I didn´t know where to find my virtual classroom!

Anyhow, better late than never!

I´m looking forward to getting to virtually meet my new classmates!

Diploma in TESOL

So I´ve taken the plunge to do the Master´s of my profession. This has already meant sacrifices - I´ve left Freud Quiere Bailar - but I know it´s the time to do it!

Week 1 Tasks

I like the fact that I can dip in and out of the activities online. I consider myself a slow learner and it´s been a long time since I´ve done any extended studying. I feel I need to read a bit then leave it to let it sink in of it´s own accord. Hopefully, I will soon get the academic knack back!

I´m really looking forward to connecting everything both mentally and in practice... the unknown is always daunting, but not without a healthy dose of excitement!