15 October 2008
Le 15 octobre, les blogs participants devront publier un article, une vidéo ou un podcast au sujet de la pauvreté. Vous pouvez également faire don des revenus obtenus lors cette journée à une œuvre de charité combattant la pauvreté.
El 15 de octubre, los blogs participantes publicarán una entrada, video o podcast que tratará sobre la pobreza. Además, si lo deseas podrás donar los ingresos de publicidad obtenidos durante ese día auna institución de beneficencia relacionada con la pobreza.
The basic idea is to use the medium of blogs to communicate people´s thoughts and concerns about Poverty on 15 October, to get everyone talking about End Poverty 2015 and the Millennium Development Goals that aim to achieve this.
If you don´t have a blog, but want to participate, contact me and I´d be happy to publish on your behalf. Otherwise, check out your favourite blogs that day: read, watch videos, look at photos, think, comment, talk about it - if you ignore poverty, it won´t go away.

Si sabes nada de esto, buscarlo!
Si tu sais rien de tout de ça, cherche!
1 comment:
Thanks for leaving a note letting me know about Blog Action Day, will try to participate. Also, hope you try out the pumpkin recipe, it really came out tasty! Good luck!
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